What we offer

With our experience from numerous industrial and research projects in different areas of pioneering high-frequency technology, we help you quickly and flexibly to achieve your project goal. Through our involvement in cutting-edge research projects, we guarantee solutions based on the latest state-of-the-art.

We support you with


Complex application scenarios do not always require expensive, but sometimes just different technologies. Using our in-depth expert knowledge, we provide our customers with neutral and independent advice in the fields of high-frequency sensor and communication technology.

Please contact us if you are interested.

Examples in which we support our customers with consulting


The customer-specific application is always the focus of our system solutions for any technology readiness levels (TRLs). System components used are selected and optimized so that you get the best performance at low cost. We support you with individual components like antennas or high frequency circuits as well as with complete systems for complex scenarios. This includes firmware and algorithms as well as a customized user interface.

Contact us for more information.

This includes among others:



Using cutting-edge simulation tools, we analyze your existing systems in terms of performance and identify weak points. In the development process, critical areas can also be identified and remedied before production, increasing your cost efficiency and shortening time-to-market. 

Contact us for more information.

Examples for the application of RF simulations


Increasing frequencies in radar and communication technology place ever higher demands on the models of the materials used and the surrounding materials. In addition, the complexity of the measuring devices for determining these parameters is growing. Propagation and channel models are also of great importance in terms of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Our team uses state-of-the-art high-frequency measurement technology in the frequency range up to 110 GHz and in-depth expert knowledge to record the parameters we are looking for. The recording, evaluation and presentation of the results in a scientifically accurte way is a matter of course for us.

Contact us for more information.

Examples for RF measurements

Wafer Messung

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We are looking forward to your message and to exciting projects!